Sue Barley joins the 2011 faculty to support transitions

Sue Barley has made huge transitions in her own personal and business life to shift from scientist, corporate sales trainer and human potential consultant to mindshift coach and now new energy teacher. It did not happen overnight but as she explains in this video talking to Gina Lazenby, her transformation from stressed corporate executive to one who completely follows her inner guidance has taken a few years and a few hurdles. Now she supports others in making that change. We are thrilled to include her in the faculty of expertise for the Workshop in Bali joining us by skype from her base in New Zealand.

She talks about how many of us are moving in to roles which simply did not exist years ago when we first set out on a career but now we feel that all we have been doing through the years has prepared us for this time. In explaining what the ‘new energies’ that are coming in are doing, she sheds light on why some of us are experiencing really poor memories and recall !

About ginalazenby

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