who is this for?

9 Days of Transformation

…. designed for women leaders and change-makers

As I travel the world I meet so many amazing women who have a desire to make a difference and be more, and they are all going through change – huge change.  Like them maybe you are:

  • looking for something else beyond your previous successes and achievements – wanting something different, something more meaningful;
  • not just wanting to make a life-change, but you are feeling the need to step up and step out of the ‘known’ into the unknown;
  • feel a calling to take on a new role in the world, play a bigger game. Making a difference is more important than the money but financial sustainability is important too;
  • redefining who you are perhaps outside of a long-term relationship, considering leaving and starting out afresh;
  • maybe it’s about taking life and business to the next level ….

Is this you?

What Mynoo and Gina have noticed over the years is that we have become very good ‘spaceholders’ for women and particularly those going through change.  Gina’s expertise was always around promotion, publicity, innovative marketing, creating movements and putting things on the map. She has enjoyed considerable success over the years but she says “I have taken myself out of balance in order to get results. For the last 20 years I have explored how to make an impact and by using different strategies, keep myself in balance so that the whole process of business is much more fulfilling and more akin to a spiritual quest. In the last few years I have really focussed in on the special needs of women and the roles we will play in the future.

Mynoo is a true visionary in business being able to see the big picture and the specific practical steps needed to deliver results. She sees things through right to the end which is a rare skill. She has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars being coached by some of the world’s top coaches from which she has developed innovative ways to coach others to success. Mynoo stands for being inspired and achieving breakthroughs.

What we are both offering on this week is the opportunity to:

  • do some deep spiritual work to re-connect you to the core of who you are and your feminine power,
  • enable you to get clarity on the new role you want to take on in the world and develop your personal brand
  • and then bring our extensive business skills to bear to create practical, innovative ways for you to power forward with a successful venture or bigger role in your professional life.

Any one of those three things would be worth coming to Bali for but all three will be life-changing. And the fact that we are meeting as a small group of women amplifies our work many times.

See you in Bali … book that plane ticket now 🙂
Love & light

Gina Lazenby & Mynoo Blackbyrn

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