Preparing our energies for doing business in a new way

We are delighted to announce a wonderful teacher will join our faculty for the Workshop Retreat week – courtesy of web technology from her home office in Wellington.

Sue Barley is a spiritual guide and new energy teacher currently based in New Zealand.  From not knowing what she wanted to do as a child, she followed a path she enjoyed which involved the creation of potions and her first career was as a PhD scientist in research chemistry. Now she is involved in a different kind of alchemy. In fact what she does now is help people get in touch with their higher possibilities and to access other dimensions of themselves which are emerging because of newer expansive energies coming into the planet at this time.  Her gift is to be able to tune into your energies and articulate them so you can reconnect with your own potential. By verbalising the insights that she ‘reads’ in the information field around you,  she is able to open up new paths and possibilities for you.

Following many years in the corporate world working in change management and leadership training for multi-nationals all over the globe, Sue made a huge life transition and embarked on her spiritual journey. Her passion was always about helping people grow and this led her to learning a variety of mind-technologies and energy approaches. She helps people tap into their own internal guidance system so they can unlock their own gifts.  She says: “Very often the information about true potential has not been in our awareness and consciousness; the roles we are being prepared for did not exist before. What I do now in reading the new energies on the planet was certainly not a career option when I grew up so how could I know then that this was where I was headed as the best expression of me and my gifts?!

What Sue’s session in our workshop will do is show you how to:
* follow your internal guidance system
* stay true to yourself as you find your way on your new journey
* unlock your new gifts
* see the unique blend of energy which combines to create your YOU-ness
* connect with the opportunities arising for you

Sue has the ability to feel what your higher guidance wants to give you. She has identified that in these massively changing times, new dimensions within all of us are being unlocked and becoming accessible to us as we connect with our own inner beauty and gifts.

Many of us who are going through life transitions and heading into the unknown are moving into paths which have not previously been identified or prescribed in our cultures …… we are all inventing completely new ways of being and of working in the world. What we need in the future will be completely different to what has served us in the path. Having guidance to navigate these journeys is extremely helpful.

About ginalazenby

Gina Lazenby -
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